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Light landing
Arriving home at night and having to put the key in the dark to enter the house is something that has always bothered me. When we are at home and some are missing, we usually leave the light on but since there is not always someone at home, I have devised a system so that when it is dark and someone approaches the door, the light will come on.
To build it I used the following:
- A 5V relay module.
- A PIR sensor.
- A potentiometer of 100K.
- A 1N4007 diode.
- A pair of resistances of 5k6.
- A resistance of 47k.
- An electrolytic capacitor of 100uF.
- A pair of BC546 transistors.
- An LDR.
- An electrical installation box that I bought in Chinese.
- A recycled mobile charger to get the 5V to power the circuit.